The repository of senses is a resource that complements FrameNet.
For each Frame-Role (another term for Role is Frame Element) pair we have extracted a list of senses, where a sense is a WordNet synset, that possible fillers of that role might take. The process is the following. We start from the FrameNet 1.5 annotated corpus. First, we link role fillers’ heads to Wikipedia and then, with the help of BabelNet and Yago, assign one or several WordNet synsets to each filler. After that, we generalize over the examples for each frame-role in order to select the most representative set of senses for a given role.
Text version of the repository
The repository consists of a list of files, one per each frame-role pair, where each file contains one string for each extracted sense, with the format being the following:
(example taken from “Activity_ongoing—Activity.txt”, that is, frame = Activity_ongoing, role = Activity)
description of comma separated fields:
1 – WordNet synset, name_id
2 – number of examples that were assigned the given WordNet synset or its hyponym
3 – a weight (in most of the cases exactly equal to the fraction of examples) that were assigned the given WordNet synset or its hyponym
OWL/RDF version of the repository
As a result of the internship project conducted by Irina Sergienya under the joint DKM/HLT supervision by Volha Bryl and Sara Tonelli, the OWL/RDF version of the resource has been produced, along with the tools for querying and evaluating the repository.
- Sense repository in OWL
- Filtering and statistics tools
- User manual
- Irina’s presentation: “FrameNet extension for the Semantic Web: creation of the RDF/OWL version of the repository of senses, resource, evaluation and lessons learned”
The resource is based on FrameNet 1.5 and WordNet 3.0.
The resource is also registered with CKAN: see the description here.
- (primary reference) Volha Bryl, Sara Tonelli, Claudio Giuliano, Luciano Serafini. A Novel FrameNet-based Resource for the Semantic Web. In Proceedings of ACM Symposium on Appliced Computing (SAC) 2012, Technical Track on The Semantic Web and Applications (SWA), Riva del Garda (Trento), Italy) March 25-29, 2012.
- Sara Tonelli, Volha Bryl, Claudio Giuliano, Luciano Serafini. Investigating the Semantics of Frame Elements. In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (EKAW 2012), pp. 130-143. See the presentation on YouTube.
- Irina Sergienya, Volha Bryl, Sara Tonelli. A Semantic Role Repository Linking FrameNet and WordNet: Resource description for the Monnet Challenge (conversion of existing linguistic resources into linked data). Co-located withMultilingual Linked Open Data for Enterprises (MLODE 2012) Workshop, Leipzig, Germany, September 23-25, 2012. Awarded a runner up prize.
Technology type: Semantic web resources