Loris Bozzato
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- E-mail: bozzato@fbk.eu
- Website: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Loris_Bozzato
- Phone: 0461314331
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Short bio
Since March 2011, I work as a researcher in the DKM unit: my research activity in the group mainly focuses on the (description) logic theoretical foundations of the Contextualized Knowledge Repositories (CKR) framework. On January 2011, I obtained my PhD (Dottorato di Ricerca) in Computer Science with the Thesis: Kripke semantics and tableau procedures for constructive description logics.
Research topics
Context representation and reasoning
Tableaux algorithms for description logics
Constructive semantics for description logics
Bozzato, Loris and Serafini, Luciano,in «»,Proceedings of the 38th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing,,2023, pp. 1724-1731
Bozzato, Loris and Eiter, Thomas and Serafini, Luciano,in «»,THEORY AND PRACTICE OF LOGIC PROGRAMMING,,2022, pp. 254-304
Tiwari, Sanju and Mihindukulasooriya, Nandana and Osborne, Francesco and Kontokostas, Dimitris and D'Souza, Jennifer and Kejriwal, Mayank and Bozzato, Loris and Anita Carriero, Valentina and Hahmann, Torsten and Zimmermann, Antoine,in «»,,,2022, pp. -
Schuetz, Christoph and Bozzato, Loris and Neumayr, Bernd and Schrefl, Michael and Serafini, Luciano,in «»,SEMANTIC WEB,,2021, pp. 649-683
Bozzato, Loris and Eiter, Thomas and Kiesel, Rafael,in «»,THEORY AND PRACTICE OF LOGIC PROGRAMMING 21,,2021, pp. 593-609
Bozzato, Loris; Bruscagin, Giulia; Calabrese, Gaetano; Serafini, Luciano; Furlanello, Cesare,eKNOW 2020 - The Twelfth International Conference on Information, Process, and Knowledge Management,IARIA XPS Press,2020, pp. 75-81
Hammar, Karl; Kutz, Oliver; Dimou, Anastasia; Hahmann, Torsten; Hoehndorf, Robert; Masolo, Claudio; Vita, Randi; Ben Abbès, Sarra; Hantach, Rim; Calvez, Philippe; Prince Sales, Tiago; Porello -old-, Daniele; Beßler, Daniel; Borgo, Stefano; Diab, Mohammed; Gangemi, Aldo; Olivares Alarcos, Alberto; Pomarlan, Mihai; Porzel, Robert; Skjæveland, Martin G.; Lupp, Daniel P.; Horrocks, Ian; Klüwer, Johan W.; Kindermann, Christian; Bozzato, Loris; Mossakowski, Till; Serafini, Luciano,CEUR-WS.org,vol. 2708,2020
Bozzato, Loris; Serafini, Luciano; Eiter, Thomas,ECAI 2020 - 24th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 29 August-8 September 2020, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, August 29 - September 8, 2020 - Including 10th Conference on Prestigious Applications of Artificial Intelligence (PAIS 2020),IOS Press,vol. 325,2020, pp. 2889-2890
Schuetz, Christoph G.; Bozzato, Loris; Neumayr, Bernd; Schrefl, Michael; Serafini, Luciano,2020
Bozzato, Loris,eKNOW 2020 - The Twelfth International Conference on Information, Process, and Knowledge Management,IARIA XPS Press,2020, pp. 82-83
Bozzato, Loris; Fiorentini, Camillo,Proceedings of the 33rd International Workshop on Description Logics (DL 2020),CEUR-WS.org,vol. 2663,2020
Bozzato, Loris; Fiorentini, Camillo,Proceedings of the 35th Italian Conference on Computational Logic (CILC 2020),CEUR-WS.org,vol. 2710,2020, pp. 141-156
Bozzato, Loris; Schuetz, Christoph G.,Proceedings of the 35th Italian Conference on Computational Logic (CILC 2020),CEUR-WS.org,vol. 2710,2020, pp. 82-90
Bozzato, Loris; Eiter, Thomas; Serafini, Luciano,Description Logic, Theory Combination, and All That - Essays Dedicated to Franz Baader on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday,Springer,vol. 11560,2019, pp. 110-134
Khan, Abdullah; Serafini, Luciano; Bozzato, Loris; Lazzerini, Beatrice,Proceedings of the 34th Italian Conference on Computational Logic (CILC 2019),CEUR-WS.org,vol. 2396,2019, pp. 48-58
Bozzato, Loris; Eiter, Thomas; Serafini, Luciano,Proceedings of the 32nd International Workshop on Description Logics (DL 2019),CEUR-WS.org,vol. 2373,2019
Bozzato, Loris; Eiter, Thomas; Serafini, Luciano,vol. abs/1905.0922,2019
Bozzato, Loris; Eiter, Thomas; Serafini, Luciano,Rules and Reasoning - Third International Joint Conference, RuleML+RR 2019, Bolzano, Italy, September 16-19, 2019, Proceedings,Springer,vol. 11784,2019, pp. 19-35
Khan, Abdullah; Bozzato, Loris; Serafini, Luciano; Lazzerini, Beatrice,GCAI 2019. Proceedings of the 5th Global Conference on Artificial Intelligence,EasyChair,vol. 65,2019, pp. 42-53
Bozzato, Loris; Eiter, Thomas; Serafini, Luciano,Modeling and Using Context - 11th International and Interdisciplinary Conference, CONTEXT 2019, Trento, Italy, November 20-22, 2019, Proceedings,Springer,vol. 11939,2019, pp. 26-39
Loris, Bozzato; Thomas, Eiter; Luciano, Serafini,in «ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE»,vol. 257,2018, pp. 72-126
Bozzato, Loris; Eiter, Thomas; Serafini, Luciano,Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI 2018, July 13-19, 2018, Stockholm, Sweden.,ijcai.org,2018, pp. 5568-5572
Bozzato, Loris; Serafini, Luciano; Eiter, Thomas,vol. abs/1808.01874,2018
Bozzato, Loris; Serafini, Luciano; Eiter, Thomas,Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Conference, KR 2018, Tempe, Arizona,30 October - 2 November 2018.,AAAI Press,2018, pp. 329-338
Bozzato, Loris,in «FUNDAMENTA INFORMATICAE»,vol. 161,n. 1-2,2018, pp. 29-51
Cyras, Kristijonas; Oliveira, Tiago; Williams, Matthew; Bozzato, Loris; Homola, Martin; Mossakowski, Till; Zimmermann, Antoine,CEUR-WS.org,vol. 2237,2018
Stefano, Borgo; Loris, Bozzato; Alessio Palmero Aprosio, ; Marco, Rospocher; Luciano, Serafini,Proceedings of the Symposium on Applied Computing, SAC 2017, Marrakech,Morocco, April 3-7, 2017,ACM,2017, pp. 353-355
Loris, Bozzato; Luciano, Serafini; Gaetano, Calabrese,Proceedings of the 30th International Workshop on Description Logics,Montpellier, France, July 18-21, 2017.,CEUR-WS.org,vol. 1879,2017
Loris, Bozzato; Luciano, Serafini; Gaetano, Calabrese,Proceedings of the ISWC 2017 Posters & Demonstrations and Industry Tracks co-located with 16th International Semantic Web Conference(ISWC 2017), Vienna, Austria, October 23rd - to - 25th, 2017.,CEUR-WS.org,vol. 1963,2017
Daniele, Dell'Aglio; Darko, Anicic; Barnaghi, Payam M.; Emanuele Della Valle, ; Mcguinness, Deborah L.; Loris, Bozzato; Thomas, Eiter; Martin, Homola; Daniele, Porello,CEUR-WS.org,vol. 1936,2017
Stefano, Borgo; Loris, Bozzato; Alessio Palmero Aprosio, ; Marco, Rospocher; Luciano, Serafini,vol. abs/1612.00227,2016
Bozzato, Loris,Proceedings of the 31st Italian Conference on Computational Logic (CILC 2016),CEUR-WS.org,vol. 1645,2016, pp. 190-204
Kutz, Oliver; de Cesare, Sergio; Hedblom, Maria M.; Besold, Tarek Richard; Veale, Tony; Gailly, Frederik; Guizzardi, Giancarlo; Lycett, Mark; Partridge, Chris; Pastor, Oscar; Grüninger, Michael; Neuhaus, Fabian; Mossakowski, Till; Borgo, Stefano; Bozzato, Loris; Del Vescovo, Chiara; Homola, Martin; Loebe, Frank; Barton, Adrien; Bourguet, Jean-Rémi,CEUR-WS.org,vol. 1660,2016
Zolzaya, Dashdorj; Muhammad Tahir Khan, ; Loris, Bozzato; Sangkeun, Lee,Semantic Technology - 6th Joint International Conference, JIST 2016,Singapore, Singapore, November 2-4, 2016, Revised Selected Papers,Springer,vol. 10055,2016, pp. 305-314
Bozzato, Loris; Borgo, Stefano; Palmero Aprosio, Alessio; Rospocher, Marco; Serafini, Luciano,Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Detection, Representation,and Exploitation of Events in the Semantic Web (DeRiVE 2015),CEUR-WS.org,vol. 1363,2015, pp. 47-57
Loris Bozzato; Thomas Eiter; and Luciano Serafini,DL2014,CEUR-WS.org,vol. 1193,2014, pp. 112-123
Loris Bozzato; Thomas Eiter; Luciano Serafini,CILC 2014,CEUR-WS.org,vol. 1195,2014, pp. 132-146
Loris Bozzato; Luciano Serafini,ECAI 2014 - 21st European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 18-22 August 2014, Prague, Czech Republic - Including Prestigious Applications of Intelligent Systems (PAIS 2014),IOS Press,vol. 263,2014, pp. 979-980
Loris Bozzato; Luciano Serafini,2014
Bozzato, Loris; Serafini, Luciano,Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management - EKAW 2014 Satellite Events, VISUAL, EKM1, and ARCOE-Logic, Linkoping, Sweden, November 24-28, 2014. Revised Selected Papers,Springer,vol. 8982,2014, pp. 35-51
Loris, Bozzato; Luciano, Serafini,ARCOE-Logic 2014 (Workshop notes),vol. abs/1412.7964,2014, pp. 13-24
Loris Bozzato; Luciano Serafini,DL2013,CEUR-WS.org,vol. 1014,2013, pp. 552-572
Loris Bozzato; Chiara Ghidini; Luciano Serafini,Comparing contextual and flat representations of knowledge – a concrete case about football data.,Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Knowledge Capture (K-CAP 2013),2013
Bozzato L.; Eiter T.; Serafini L.,Defeasibility in contextual reasoning with CKR,ARCOE-LogIC 2013,2013
Bozzato L.; Homola M.; Serafini L.,Modeling and Using Context,Springer,vol. 8175,2013, pp. 199-212
L. Bozzato; M. Homola; L. Serafini,CEUR-WS.org,vol. 846,2012, pp. 114-124
Loris Bozzato; Francesco Corcoglioniti; Martin Homola; Mathew Joseph; Luciano Serafini,2012
L. Bozzato; M. Homola; L. Serafini,2012
L. Bozzato; M. Homola; L. Serafini,2012, pp. 11-18
L. Bozzato; S. Braghin; A. Trombetta,CEUR-WS.org,vol. 912,2012, pp. 73-84
M. Homola; L. Bozzato; L. Serafini,2011
L. Bozzato; F. Corcoglioniti; M. Joseph; L. Serafini,2011
L. Bozzato; F. Corcoglioniti; M. Homola; L. Serafini,2011
Loris Bozzato,2011
Bozzato, Loris; Mauro, Ferrari,Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Web Reasoning and Rule Systems (RR2010),Springer,vol. 6333,2010, pp. 223-226
Bozzato, Loris; Mauro, Ferrari; Camillo, Fiorentini; Guido, Fiorino,Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Logics in Artificial Intelligence (JELIA 2010),Springer,vol. 6341,2010, pp. 51-63
Loris Bozzato; Mauro Ferrari; Paola Villa,in «FUNDAMENTA INFORMATICAE»,vol. 96,n. 3,2009, pp. 253-269
Loris Bozzato; Mauro Ferrari; Paola Villa,2009
Loris Bozzato; Mauro Ferrari; Alberto Trombetta,CEUR-WS.org,vol. 426,2008
Loris Bozzato; Mauro Ferrari; Paola Villa,2008
Loris Bozzato; Mauro Ferrari; Paola Villa,CEUR-WS.org,vol. 353,2008
Loris Bozzato; Mauro Ferrari; Camillo Fiorentini; Guido Fiorino,CEUR-WS.org,vol. 250,2007, pp. 219-226
Elisabetta Binaghi; Loris Bozzato; Cristina Ghiselli; Alberto Trombetta,Archives & Museum Informatics Europe,2005
Cristina Ghiselli; Loris Bozzato; Alberto Trombetta,CEUR-WS.org,vol. 166,2005