In a world of rapid change and continuous technological innovation the economy of the European Union relies heavily on the ability of their knowledge workers to learn efficiently and especially to manage and apply new knowledge effectively within their work processes.
The goal of the APOSDLE project is to significantly enhance knowledge worker productivity by supporting informal learning and teaching activities in the context of knowledge workers’ everyday work processes and within their work environments.
The key distinction of the APOSDLE approach as compared to more traditional (e)Learning and teaching approaches is that APOSDLE will provide integrated ICT support for the three roles a knowledge worker fills at the professional workplace: the role of Learner, the role of Teacher, and the role of Worker. As far as possible, this support will be provided within the work environment, and not in a separate learning environment. It exploits synergies between learning and knowledge management by reusing content not originally intended for learning. It will utilize contextualized communication for teaching, and ease the burden on experts for these tasks. Finally, it will be based on knowledge sources available within an organization – specifically business space, (e)Learning systems, and knowledge management – and not require a switch to a new system.
The outcome of APOSDLE will be a methodology and reference architecture for workplace learning enhancing the learning processes for the individual and the organisation. In order to ensure the general applicability of this outcome we will use an application- driven approach to cover the needs of three fundamentally different organizations: a network of SMEs, a public organization, and a large corporation. Their needs and constraints provide APOSDLE with the necessary guidance to develop innovative learning processes, contextualized teaching methods, and effective work support.
The prime deliverables of the APOSDLE project will be the domain- specific APOSDLE Environments embedded into the application partner organizations. Using these environments, we aim to demonstrate and evaluate the benefits of seamless integration of learning, teaching, and working in the professional workplace. In addition to the reference architecture, we will deliver domain-independent tool frameworks which allow for the rapid creation of domain-specific environments.
After the successfull completion of the EU research project APOSDLE, the Open Source Version of the APOSDLE Software is available now.
Recently, Know-Center released the first reference data set from the EU research project APOSDLE to promote the comprehensibility and generalizability of research findings in the field of Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL). Now with the ppen source version of APOSDLE available, this contributes to the success and value of “Work Integrated Learning (WIL)”.
The APOSDLE Open Source Package contains the APOSDLE Platform, the APOSDLE Client and all tools necessary to install and run APOSDLE. To provide a fast overview of APOSDLE’s variety of features, the package contains two sample domains from the field of innovation management and statistical data. The APOSDLE Open Source Package is licensed under GPL v3.
PEOPLE FBK-irst: Luciano Serafini, Chiara Ghidini, Andrei Tamilin, Gaetano Calabrese, and Marco Rospocher
Date: Wednesday, 1 March, 2006 to Monday, 1 February, 2010
Duration: 48 months
Funding: partially supported by the European Community under the Information Society Technologies (IST) priority of the 6th framework programme for R&D (contract no. IST-027023).
