Active Digital Memories of Collective Life
Project Details
Acronym: LiveMemories
Full Name: Active Digital Memories of Collective Life
Reference: Bando grandi progetti 2006 – Provincia Autonoma di Trento
Date: Thursday, 1 January, 2009 to Saturday, 31 December, 2011
Duration: 36 months
Coordinator: FBK-irst (Italy)
Scientific coordinator: Bernardo Magnini (FBK-irst)
Funding: founded by the Provincia Autonoma di Trento
The Project
From a scientific / technical perspective, LiveMemories aims at scaling up content extraction techniques towards very large scale extraction from multimedia sources, setting the scene for a Content Management Platform for Trentino; using this information to support new ways of linking, summarizing and classifying data in a new generation of digital memories which are `alive’ and user-centered; and to turn the creation of such memories into a communal web activity. Achieving these objectives will make Trento a key player in the new Web Science Initiative, digital memories, and Web 2.0, thanks also to the involvement of Southampton. But LiveMemories is also intended to have a social and cultural impact besides the scientific one: through the collection, analysis and preservation of digital memories of Trentino; by facilitating and encouraging the preservation of such community memories; and the fostering of new forms of community, and enrichment of our cultural and social heritage.
- FBK-IRST, coordinator
- University of Trento
- University of Southampton
Open Positions
Several PhD studentships and postdoctoral positions in the areas of Human Language Technology, Knowledge Management, and Interface Research will become available as part of the newly funded LiveMemories project. The project, a collaboration between Fondazione Bruno Kessler, University of Trento, and University of Southampton, is concerned with the development of advanced techniques for content extraction from text speech and images; new methods for the development of communities on the Web; and the management of the knowledge thus acquired. Senior researchers are invited to apply for the positions of Chief Architect of the platform to be developed and of responsible of the components for Content Extraction, Content Management, and Content Presentation. For information please contact Bernardo Magnini ( ) or Massimo Poesio ( ). The CIMEC Language, Interaction and Computation Laboratory (CLIC) ( is looking for PhD students and postdocs to work in the areas of the interpretation of anaphoric expressions, cross-document coreference, relation extraction, and corpus creation and processing. For information contact Massimo Poesio ( ) Marco Baroni ( ) or Alessandro Moschitti ( ) . The Adaptive Multimodal Information and Interfaces Lab is looking for PhD positions and postdocs to work in the areas of Spoken / Text Document Summarization and Information Extraction from Spoken Documents. For information please contact Giuseppe Riccardi ( ). Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Data and Knowledge Management research unit ( is looking for PhD positions and postdocs to work in the areas of Representation and reasoning with temporal knowledge and Domain specific knowledge repositories and services. For information please contact Luciano Serafini (serafini at fbk dot eu). Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Human Language Technologies research unit ( is looking for PhD positions and postdocs to work in the areas of Cross Document Coreference, relation and event extraction and textual entailment. For information please contact Bernardo Magnini ( ).
