Organic.Lingua is aiming to enhance an existing Web portal ([1]) with educational content on Organic Agriculture (OA) and Agroecology (AE), introducing automated multi-lingual services that will further support the uptake of the portal from its targeted audiences, facilitate the multilingual features of the portal, and further extend its geographical and linguistic coverage.
The Organic.Edunet Web portal bridges together a network of learning repositories with content on OA & AE, providing its users with a significant volume of relevant learning resources. It adopts a federated, standards-based approach that allows the incremental growth of the network. The Web portal is available in more than fourteen (14) languages; the corresponding knowledge representations (ontologies and metadata chemas) and interfaces of software tools, have been manually translated by human experts. However, the portal attracts visitors from around the world, as user communities from all around Europe (and internationally) are increasingly interested in accessing the portal features and finding resources using their own languages.
To this end, the Organic.Lingua project aims to capitalise on the European and international demand for the Organic.Edunet portal by transforming it into a truly multilingual service. It will achieve this by re-engineering the architecture and enhancing the services of the existing Organic.Edunet portal, in order to fill the abovementioned gaps in multilingual support and cross-language resource organization and search. It particularly aims at analyzing and re-engineering the service infrastructure and related facilities and business models in order to support multilingual access and use more widely and effectively. Since such linguistic limitations of Organic.Edunet are common to most current multilingual Web portals, an important outcome of the Organic.Lingua project is expected to be a set of guidelines, good practice methods and software tools that can be adopted in other portal cases.
Overall, Organic.Lingua aims to make the Organic.Edunet Web portal a service that will support agricultural researchers and educators around Europe, as well as explore new business opportunities for the specific service but also for the developers/providers of language technologies.
Organic.Lingua is a 36 months FP7 Pilot Tipe B EU project which wins from 1-March-1-2011 to 28-February-2014.
Date: Tuesday, 1 March, 2011 to Friday, 28 February, 2014
Duration: 36 monthsFunding: FP7 Pilot Tipe B EU project

- Available soon