Toolisse project aims at developing the first italian platform that offers technologically advanced services and solutions to:
- enhance the tourists experience during travel and stay
- increase the digital performances of tourism operators
- produce added value in the online promotion of a destination
- empower the whole process of distribution of touristic offer
The goal of Toolisse is thus to offer to public and private operators a set of services, software, applications, support and education in order to support the growth and development of touristic economy in Italy. Toolisse is born in Trentino from applied research in touristic technologic innovation, involving single and associated operators in the tourism system, touristic consortiums and APTs (aziende di promozione turistica), and research institutions (as University of Trento, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Fondazione Ahref) in partnership with TrentoRise. GH Group, Engineering, SayService, Liberologico, Clesius and Pervoice collaborate in the development and promotion of digital innovation in italian tourism. Toolisse aims at providing advantages for touristic destinations, for operators and for tourists, as for example:
- For touristic destinations: promoting experiences and events, manage tourists card and services, create travel guides and realize web portals for the promotion of the location.
- For operators: a professional web site, knowledge about the online sentiment of tourists, promotion by user direct experience stories, offer booking services for accomodation and other services also by interacting with new distribution channels.
- For tourists: enable them to pay services and products using their mobile phone, book for hikes and events, dowload apps to enhance their travel and knowledge about places and events, gaining knowledge by tourists experiences, using a tourist card to access local services and products.
DKMERS INVOLVED: Loris Bozzato, Gaetano Calabrese, Luciano Serafini.

- Available soon